Published works
Author Vala Thorsdottir has made a name for herself in children's literature, focusing on multicultural themes. Her book, Þankaganga Myślobieg, illustrated by Agnieszka Nowak, has won several awards, including the 2010 Icelandic Women's Literature Award Fjöruverðlaunin. It was also featured on the IBBY International 2012 Honour List and recognised by the Polish Ministry of Education for its beautiful illustrations. Vala and Agnieszka published a second book about the Polish Icelandic girl Súsanna, Þankaganga Myślobieg, Súsanna í Póllandi which along with the first one is the base for a TV series Vala is currently writing.
Á puttanum með pabba
Children’s book
Cowritten with Kolbrún Anna Björnsdóttir.
Illustrated by Lára Garðarsdóttir.
Þankaganga / Myślobieg 2 – Súsanna í Póllandi
Children’s book
Illustrated by Agnieszka Nowak.
Polish translation: Jacek Godek.
Þankaganga / Myślobieg
Children’s book
Illustrated by Agnieszka Nowak.
Polish translation: Agnieszka Nowak and Jacek Godek.
Tónlist hamingjunnar
A collection of micro stories
Þankaganga / Myślobieg
Children’s book
llustrated by Agnieszka Nowak.
Polish translation: Agnieszka Nowak and Jacek Godek.
Mutluluk Müziği
A collection of micro stories
Translated by Dr. Semih Çelenk.
Illustrated by Emre Duygu.
Mutfak Söyleşileri
The play Eldhús eftir máli, hversdagslegar hryllingssögur/Kitchen to Measure, Ordinary Horror Stories
Translation by Ayşe Üner.
Çatidaki Yarasa - Teleskop, Çikolata, Pis Gazlar ve Çöpluk - Bildiğiniz Şeyler
Háaloft/A Bat in the Attic, Kíkir, súkkulaði, fýlugufa og rusl/A Telescope, Chocolate, Stink Steam and Rubbish and Eða þannig… /Or Something, You Know…
Translated by Dr. Semih Çelenk and Ayşe Üner.