Çatidaki Yarasa - Teleskop, Çikolata, Pis Gazlar ve Çöpluk - Bildiğiniz Şeyler
Háaloft/A Bat in the Attic, Kíkir, súkkulaði, fýlugufa og rusl/A Telescope, Chocolate, Stink Steam and Rubbish and Eða þannig… /Or Something, You Know…
Translated by Dr. Semih Çelenk and Ayşe Üner.
Published by Mitos Boyut 2002.
Çatidaki Yarasa is a black comedy monologue with a great insight into the life of a bipolar person and their struggles with what is considered normal.
Teleskop, Çikolata, Pis Gazlar ve Çöpluk a storytelling with the help of mime. A grotesque tale about loneliness.
Bildiğiniz Şeyler is a black comedy monologue about a divorced woman who dresses herself up as a piece of art in protest of society’s prejudice.