2005 - Eldhús eftir máli // Kitchen to Measure - Ordinary Horror Stories
The National Theatre of Iceland
Director: Ágústa Skúladóttir
A black comedy with an absurd streak. Commissioned by the National Theatre of Iceland, Vala wrote this play inspired by five short stories by Svava Jakobsdottir, Iceland’s most renowned feminist writer. It became a box office hit at the National Theatre in 2006 and has been translated into English, Danish, Turkish and Slovenian. Eldhús eftir máli, hversdagslegar hryllingssögur is the first Icelandic play to be shown at Det Kongelige Teater (The Kings Theatre) in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 2006. When produced by the City Theatre of Istanbul, the reaction from fundamentalists in Turkey was very strong, creating a debate about feminism, human rights and theatre in the media. The cast and Vala were threatened bodily harm. But the result of those threats did luckily nothing but enhance ticket sales and the play was shown for over two seasons.
2011-2013: Istanbul City Theatre
2012: Arcola Ala-Turka, London
2010: Glej Theatre Ljubliana and Glej Theatre Ptuj, Slovenia
2007: Academy of Dramatic Arts, Denmark
2005-2006: National Theatre of Iceland